Toffee's Barkday!

About Me

My photo
I'm a very sweet, cuddly male Shih Tzu here in Dubai, U.A.E. and I love Daddy and Mommy!

My Pawends! Please sign in my pawbook!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

TOFFEE... DAY 2 (12-JUN-07)

I fully recuperated from yesterdays activities. Slept the whole day while mommy and daddy is at work.

I saw mommy got up 1st. She replenished my water. I saw she placed a bowl of sliced apples (yum!). I want to get up but I'm still very sleepy! Imagine mommy wakes up at 5:00 a.m.!!!

Then I saw daddy, he woke up at 7:00 a.m. Doesn't anybody sleep late anymore?? At this time, I feel bloated. So, since I'm new (my excuse).. I try to make the best place where I could potty.. I make wee wee at my pee pee pads (mom and dad are very happy with it so thought I should continue..) but I got confused on the poopy part.. must be the sleepiness.. I pooped on the carpet.. (oppps)
Daddy came from the shower.. (I'm trying to figure where I can hide..) He saw my poopy.. He got stern and said I'm bad.. :( Then he started to ignore me while picking my poopy. :(

Before he left, he gave me a toy pacifier. So I think he forgives me. I'll try to do better so Daddy and Mommy will be happy.

Now both mommy and daddy is gone, I have a chance to plan my reign over the big bed! Let me try to climb...

Checking out the target.. veering up for that big juuuuuuummmmmp.......
Oooooofff!!! must have miscalculated that one... hold on.. hold on.... *sigh* I really have to lose my weight!Guess that bed will have to wait another day.... At least I could climb mine..

Mommy came home first. I was in my bed that time. I make poopy and weewee on my peepee pad.. She's very happy!!! :) I'm happy too!

I followed mommy around the room trying to get her to play with me.

Mommy!!! play with me!!!!!
Daddy came home too!!! now we're going to have a blast! Maybe if they see I'm behaved, they'll let me on their bed... I'll try my "innocent" look...

wow.. it worked! They'll be watching a movie "Wild Hogs"... these movie makers should have made it "Wild Dogs" instead right?! Hogs are pretty much oink oink to me..

See! I got dibs on the front seat...

I'm sinking... I'm sinking in the comforter..................
My eyes are getting droopy again.. time for snoozing!!!! Good night!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hello Toffee, you sure are a very cute doggie. :)

~ girl girl

Huskee's Maid said...

Hello Toffee! Girl Girl is right! U r just too cute! Looking forward to reading more of ur blog!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Never mind Toffee I had a few accidents when I came to live here. The humans don't stay cross for long.

Simba xx

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hi Toffee,

Welcome to - it is great to meet you, and I am sure that you will make lots of new friends here :)


ToFFee said...


thanks for the kind words!

mommy and daddy are always spoiling me.. well at least for now!

That's about:
4 wrong peepees and 2 wrong poopoos!

I have to keep a scorecard..

maybe I should try my "poor me" look.. maybe it will work..

I'll register to the pawebby! love to make new fwends!



Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Toffee...
My name is Ruby. Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog! You're living with your parents only a few short days and you're blogging already! are smart on top of all your cuteness!

Everyone makes accidents the first few days'll be ok. Just DON'T do it on your parents bed. That won't be good at all!

Glad I met you and I'll add you to my friends!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Asta said...

Hi ToFFee
Thanks for visiting me. You are a vewy vewy cute pup. I think you're doing vewy well and I'm suwe your Mommi and Daddy aren't mad at you for long when you make a happens to all of us at times.
Have a lovely day playing and snoozing
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee.
Accidents happen from time to time at the begining. I am sure you will lear which is the right place to pee and poo everytime.
Have a nice day

Frasier said...

Hi Toffee,
You are so precious.Here is the recipe for Frostypaws.My mommy cut and pasted it from another website.
Recipe (as transcribed by the famed Lori):
32 oz. plain yogurt
2 Tbls. Peanut Butter
2 Tbls. Honey
1/3 cup water
1 banana
Sometimes I put melon or applesauce in. Or what ever I have on hand. Sometimes I top with a biscuit or biscuit crumbs.

Mix in a blender and pour into individual cups.

Enjoy!Please ask your mommy to post pictures!

Boo Casanova said...

toffee, you get more visitors coz you are just too cute! simba don't worry, i'm just giving compliment but i'm all yours!

yeah toffee, i had accident too when i first got here. i need to practise to do business in my own toilet. i managed to get used to it and i trust you will too!

wet wet licks


Ferndoggle said...

Hiya'll make it on the big bed in no time!

Nice to meet ya. Stop over & say Hi sometime!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

ToFFee said...


Thanks Frasier and your mum for sharing the goodies!

I have to convince my daddy to make me some..

I got a copy and was trying to show it to mum!

Yey! mum would make it.. but better not let daddy see it. He says I'm getting pretty fat. But then.. it is yoghurt! and I could never say no to ice cream!!!!

Girl girl has a new car! hope she let's us tag along!

Huskee is paweety cute as well!

Boo and Simba are paweetty tight and they make a cute pawple!

Hope you invite all your pawends to the wedding!

and I can be the ring-wuffrer!

I'll be reading your pawblogs!


Dandy Duke said...

Hi Toffee,
Thanks for visiting my blog! So you like apples too! Aren't they just the best!

Love ya lots,

L said...

Hi Toffee,
Aren't you just the cutest little thing? Mommy loves Shih Tzu's, because I am half Shih Tzu. She thinks Shih Tzu's are sooooo cute, as are you. I remember when I first came home (and for a while after that) I made mistakes. Luckily, I am so cute my mommy could never get mad at me. She'd just quietly clean up my little messes.


Toby said...

Toffee!!! You are such a smart pup. You're well on your way to being pee pee pad trained! Don't worry about a mistake or two... it's allowed when ur a little one.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Toffee,
I think my mom is falling in love with you (*pouts*).. she cannot stop fawning over your photos!
Don't worry abt the pees and poos, your innocent face will bail you out cos no one can resist you!

Huskee Boy

ToFFee said...

Hi Huskee Boy!

Mommy thinks you're very cute too! She says when I grow up I'm gonna be just like you!

You are my big brother now!
