I got a pressie!
From Boy and Baby all the way from Singapore! look at all those stamps!
I think I can smell them!
Could you please stop with the pictures and help me open this..
Is this really for me??? only for me??
Wowf! I'm placing this piece of treasure with my favoritest toys in my bed!
choooommppphhh.... THHWAAANNNKK YOOOUUU BOY and BABY!!!!
Hiya lil' Toffee,
I mnissed you while you were gone last week.. glad that you are back!
Isn't it nice of Boy and Baby to send you the Dino Cuz? It's my favouritest Cuz toy too! Enjoy it, lil' one..
Boy & Baby are so nice to send you those gifts. Hope you had lots of fun with Mr Dino cuz. :)
~ girl girl
Hi Toffee... u are back!!... missed u so muchie.. aww... boy & baby so nice to send u Dino cuz.. hope u have great fun with it..
Golden Rossi
Glad that you are having alot of fun with Mr Dino Cuz :)
Boy n Baby
Cuz is just awesome, isn't he! That nice orange really stands out in your bed! hehehehe
That was super nice of Boy and Baby!
Love ya lots,
Wow. that is a very nice gift you have got. Boy and Baby really know wat are the nice gifts available for dogs.
Oooooo, Cuzes are the BEST!!! Have fun with it...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You are such a lucky pup to get a cool present like that Toffee!! It looks really good in your bed with your other toys!
Hi Toffee! That Cuz is sooooo coooool - I have the blue one, my dog blogging pal Simba sent it to me!
They are grrrrrreat fun.
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx
What grrrrreat friends you have Toffee! Boy & Baby are A-OK!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
I hope Dino cuz and you will have lots of squeaky times together!
Oscar x
Hey Toffee,
Oh now you have a CUZ toy!!! :) How nice of Boy n Baby..can we have some videos of you playing with your Cuz??? Did you know Dino Cuz works as a door stopper too? LOL!!
Hi Toffee,
Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi!
You will have so much fun with your dino cuz, they are the greatest.
Don't be jealous about the human bed, because I am actually not allowed in it! My parents just trick me, they put an extra comforter on the floor for when they have naps with me. So it looks and feels like I am in the human bed, but I'm not.
Love Clover xo
Hi Toffee!!
My ma loves your big black nose!! Isn't it great to get pressies? I say keep them coming right?
OMG! A dino CUZ! Neatest! That was so nice of boy n baby to send a pressie:)! Have fun with dino cuz!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Boy & Baby are so nice. They are always sending out pressies!
I'm glad you like your Cuz! Now, go kill it :)
Puggy kisses
Hi, Toffee.
Nice present from Boy and Baby! Sure you will enjoy that Dino Cuz. I hope is better than the round Cuz which I don't like!
Have a nice day
boy and baby sure are great friends!!! I LOVE my Dino Cuz, he is a great friend!
That's a pretty awesome dino cuz! I've never seen a cuz in person before. Maybe I should try to find one for myself!
i hope you enjoy your dino cuz! i have a little Devil one and it's fun to bounce it around :)
wah dino cuz huh toffee. i don't have a dino cuz yet but i do a cuz.
did you manage to squeak it yet?
wet wet licks
so now you have the cuz do you like it? I hate the stupid things.
Simba x
a Dinocuz from Boy & Baby? aren't they sweet?
now u can Cuz all day n nite! n do it rite next to your hoomans' ears, n watch them jump! keke...
ToFFee - you are one lucky little dog to get such a great gift from Boy & Baby. I love Dino Cuz too.
G'day Toffeee,
You have sooo many coool toys!
xxx Asta down under
Whoa - a Cuz is the most perfect present anyone could get!!!
Hope you have loads of dun with the cuz
That's so cool! We love that last picture of you with DinoCuz in your mouth! VERY sweet!
Play bows,
hey toffee thank you for your message :) i hope the grubby pup gets some medical attention too.
manly knots? lol. not sure if there are any, but i will get HM to try some out and take some pictures :) i think you look very cute in your topknot! what is the antonio banderras style? maybe you could show it in your blog.
Hey Toffe - good to see you again.
We have been so busy taking care of eachother while mommy was out of the country.
how cool is that!! a parcel all the way from Singapore just for you!! Are you good at sharing it with us?
woofs and puppy arfs,
Snowy and Crystal
Hey Toffe - good to see you again.
We have been so busy taking care of eachother while mommy was out of the country.
how cool is that!! a parcel all the way from Singapore just for you!! Are you good at sharing it with us?
woofs and puppy arfs,
Snowy and Crystal
Yeah! Now we both got a Cuz cos of our wonderful blogging friends!
Oh I like that DINO !!! CUte!!!
hi toffee, is the cuz orange-flavoured too?
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