About Me
- ToFFee
- I'm a very sweet, cuddly male Shih Tzu here in Dubai, U.A.E. and I love Daddy and Mommy!
My Pawends! Please sign in my pawbook!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I laughed my furry head off!
Thank you for all you suppawt.. I can't wait to see the Judge's face when he reads the petition of my furrends.
Oh, I want to show this video I saw in youtube.. This made my day..
Halp! I'm in jail!
I have been taken to the highest court for my judgement.
Judge (dad): Do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Toffee: yes your Dadship.
Judge (dad): a complaint has been given, stating that you have peed and pooped at the (reads the document again) uh.. Big big bed while no one was in the bedroom?
Toffee: no! I can't climb the big big bed
Judge (dad): we have exhibit A
Judge (dad): do you recognise this?
Toffee: yes, uh.. that's the box I won from the Pets on Pawrade Contest.
Judge (dad): you have used this as an accomplice so you can climb the big big bed. Is it correct?
Toffee: uhhh... uhhh.. umm.. I might have used that.. gulp..Judge (dad): then the box toppled over and you don't know how to get down so you soiled the big big bed.
Toffee: waah! I just want to see the big big bed.. I got scared and I can't go down.
Judge (dad): so you admit you did commit the crime?
Toffee: I can't help it.. I don't know how to get down and I feel soo excited being in the big big bed..
Judge (dad): you have commited a crime.. and therefore you must be punished.
Toffee: no no no! I'm still underaged.. help help! I didn't mean it
Judge (dad): for that I order for a LIFE PEN SENTENCE and ban you from the big big bed and the room.
Toffee: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
My furrends, please help me. I want to go back in the room with the big big bed. Help me convince the Judge a.k.a. Dad.
I plead to you my furrends...
I'll be depending on you to save me from this cold cruel cell.. you're my only hope..
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Toffee I Scream...!
I saw my pawrents with a box.. what's that?
Gimme gimme gimme!this is soooo delish! yum yum yum!
Burp! excuse me.. have to learn table manners.. ice cream still dripping.. need to wash up now.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Chilli's Adoption Day Pawty!
Chilli's going to have an adoption day pawty! Check this out! after this will be Bailey's and Asta's Barkday next weekend.. Wow! we'll have a busy weekend.. partying and stuff!
well.. I'm going in my striped shirt ready for the beach..
pee es: Sorry I'm a bit slow in blogging lately, mommy had been very busy lately so she's hogging the puter all the time. Hope you won't forget me.
Friday, September 7, 2007
My new Camera!
I'm still upset over them not bringing me to the GITEX so I could give my paws (thumbs) up over their selection.
One of the biggest draws during this year’s event promises to be the newly added ‘Leisure and Lifestyle Electronics’ section, which is expected to attract a wider audience. “Lifestyle electronics is a sign of the times, and it makes perfect sense to accommodate this new segment in this year’s event,” said Helal Saeed Al Marri, director general of the Dubai World Trade Centre.The event will be held at Airport Expo Dubai and the timing will be extended by an hour on every day of the show, say organisers.

Nikon D80.. hmm.. this looks bigger than the old camera.. I heard it cost's a fortune.. could be worth my yearly amount of kibbles..
they think that it's like a one time investment thing.. and rather buying a new digicam every year, would be better to just buy lenses.. though I've heard lenses cost so high too.
So they are happy with the new toy. Dad is going to study it and hopefully get some good shots of me, right?
This is their 1st picture of me.. this is before my bath.. how come this camera shows all my dirty detail??? hmph!
Oh yeah.. I'm gonna be a supaw model..
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My trip to Fujeirah Beach..
Finally! we are here..
Dryin up..
So.. they let me roam free again because all those pesky birds are gone.. they've spoken too soon..those mean old birds are hiding in the trees! When they saw I'm alone again, they all got out and tried to attack me! so mom ran again to me and scooped me up before those bad birdies flew me away.. otherwise.. you.. my furrends won't see me again..
Goodbye beach.. see you again soon!