We (mum, dad, grandmum and me) visited petland. It's like one of the 2 or 3 petshops here in U.A.E. I didn't count the ones in the marketplaces. This is where Daddy bought those pressies for me! (now I remember)
Here I am at the backseat with grandmum..

Can you believe the variety of shops that I'm exposed to? boooring!
Here we are! it's straight out in the boonies.. sand sand lotsa sand!

What kind of dogs are these? That black one looks bigger than me.. they have vewy long pointed ears.

This one looks like me but with pointed ears.. they're whispering.. I think they said Rabbivolution.. wonder what's that all about.

Hey! I think I saw someone familar...

Is that Boo and Suki??? let me take a closer look..
Nahhh.. that's definitely not Boo..
Suki????? Suki!!!!! Hey Suki.. what are you doing here in U.A.E.?

I think Suki.. or somedog who looks like Suki recognises me.. Look at her trying to step over the brown dog just to speak with me..

I'll try and get their names when I get back here! Now I have Doggies friends here in U.A.E., I hope they're still here when I get back. I heard they are on sale. Hope they go to good homes and I could visit them.
Here I am trying to figure out what to buy..

Daddy trying to tempt me with a big bone!

I'm very curious about the cuz.. but they don't have it here in the U.A.E. petshops..
next time I visit here, I'll take picture of the toys as well.. Mommy ran out of battery.. hehehe!